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Monday, January 22, 2018

It's Growing ----

Did you notice ???  Eric and Mark added a few more "cribs"to the collection.
Crib collection grows.

Thanks, Eric & Mark (both on right).
More "cribs were delivered to the lake shore this past Sunday.  The timing worked out well because a couple of guys were shooting and took time out to "share the load", so to speak. 
The ice has melted somewhat which is not what is needed for our work.  It measured 4" at an auger hole.   Not thick enough, but it is early and a good source has said that the next freeze will give 8+ inches of ice.  Then, the time will be right to get the cribs positioned.
Stay tuned .......
Thanks to Scotty for the pics.

Monday, January 15, 2018

For The Enjoyment Of Others ....

Keep watching ----  and you might see it happening......

Porcupine Cribs waiting to be set.
A joint venture has been developing to set fish structures in the lake.  They are designed to improve the fish habitat and thereby improve the fishing.  Members who fish in our lake will likely benefit, but so too will the youngsters in the up-coming fishing derby.  In fact, the Cub Scouts have been using the the lake as part of their outdoor activities the past couple of years with fishing being a large part of their day. 
Add to this, all the members and their children & grandchildren that are seen fishing on and around the lake and this project is surely worthwhile.

Group Effort

The project has involved a community effort.  The list is long ---
Project Co-ordinator - John Hayes
Beckner Lumber donated the wood
Leslie Young gave the blocks for weights
BBSD Tech ED (headed by Instructor Eric Craig) built them.
Berlin Volunteer FD
Berlin Ambulance Service
Shanksville Water Rescue 
Surely people were missed on this list,  people who worked behind the scene.  Sorry, but hopefully the real satisfaction is in knowing you helped others, especially the youngsters. 

The Schedule

The easiest way to set the cribs is to slide them out on a frozen lake and let them sink as the ice melts. Simple, but not so simple.  It takes manpower to move the cribs, and emergency personal for safety.  AND of course it takes ICE.  That is the key ingredient, and that is what needs to happen first.
Once the ice is thick enough, an announcement will be issued as to the SUNDAY for the work to be done. If you would like to be notified, send your email to the Club email address on the back of your membership card.  You will be put on the list to be notified.  Or you can comment on this Blog post.
It is going to be interesting!!!! 
Hope to see you there!

NOTE: Thanks to Scotty Wagner for the images.

Friday, January 12, 2018

2018 Committees Set

As require at the January Meeting, committees have been set for 2018.
This information will be posted on the marquis at the gate, on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse, and on the Committee page in the Club Blog.
Also, a motion was made to upgrade the "Communication" committee to a standing committee.  That would bring it within the By-Laws.  The motion was tabled to allow development of the idea.  
The intent is to bring the Club (through its By-Laws ) into line with the increased use of electronic media and using this venue for getting information to the members.
Ideas are being floated for the specific duties of this committee and a descriptive name for it.
This topic is on the Agenda for the February Meeting. 
Input from the members welcome.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

New PlacesTo Pick Up Memberships

It is a pleasure to announce that two (2) additional local businesses are supporting our efforts by making memberships available at their locations during business hours.  They are doing us a great service making it easier for members to renew memberships and new members to join. 
Brett at Berlin Oil.
Mark, at Berlin Auto.
Berlin Auto and Berlin Oil are the two new businesses that have agreed to handle our membership sales.  Be sure to thank them!
Before the critics start, both gentlemen had the say-so as to the photo taken.  And that is only fair since they are doing us the favor.  Remember, work with local businesses whenever possible.  That is what a community is after all.
Although we are highlighting new sponsors, do NOT forget about the two businesses who are already on board with our efforts.  They are;

Diamond Mini Mart


A big THANKS to all four for helping out!!!!!

Monday, January 8, 2018

January Meeting ---

An announcement w/r to our the January meeting went to the Daily American, today.   I also like to use the Blog to put out a reminder.  The January meeting will be held this Thursday (11JAN) at 7:30 pm in the Vo-Ag Room of the Berlin Middle School. 
January requires the President to set Committees, and designate Chairs for 2018.  That will be first order of new business on the Agenda.
To refresh memories, the following is taken from the Club's By-Laws.  

Article 4 Committees

Section 1- Standing Committees   The standing committees shall be as follows;
Each committee will be composed of three (3) or more members, and appointed by the President.  All committees will report at each meeting with the exception of the Executive Committee.

Section 2- Set Up  All standing committees shall be appointed at the next regular meeting following the election of officers.
Section 3- Fish Committee  The Fish Committee shall have full charge of matters pertaining to fish culture and distribution, and shall report each month.
Section 4- Game Committee  The Game Committee shall have full charge of the Association’s interests in the trapping and the propagation and distribution of game, and shall report at each monthly meeting.
Section 5- Membership Committee   The Membership Committee shall have full charge of matters pertaining to membership, and shall report at each monthly meeting.  A report will be given at each meeting of monthly memberships and key sales.  All monies will be received by the Treasurer after the monthly report.
Section 6- Shooting Committee    The Shooting Committee shall have full charge of the shooting range, and report at the monthly meetings.  Notification will be given at the gate and range(s) when it is closed.
Section 7- Property Committee    The Property Committee shall have full charge of the Association’s property pertaining to the buildings and insurance, roads, grounds, and waters owned by the Association.
Section 8- Executive Committee   The Executive Committee shall consist of the;
Vice President
All “chairs” of Standing Committees

Its duties shall be to provide ways and means for the progress, and for the best interests of the Organization.  It shall also act on emergency matters.   All action taken by this Committee shall be fully reported at the next regular meeting, and its action accepted or rejected by the Association. 
Section 9- Expenditures  All committees so appointed shall submit to the membership for approval all expenditures in excess of $150.00.

Be safe out there!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

FYI ------

2018 has started on a very cold note ... and I for one have not been visiting our Club every day....
BUT ---
The lock on the gate has been changed for the new year, and 2018 Memberships are due in order to maintain your "good standing" status, and access our facilities.
I just wanted to remind everyone, so that there are no surprises at the gate.
I will also take this opportunity to let members know that the January Meeting is fast approaching (Thursday, 11JAN).  Hope you can attend to help plan our agenda for 2018.
Fish structures needing placed.
As part of that agenda, I opened a "line of inquiry" w/r to getting the fish structures placed in the water.  Should know more details for the meeting.
Labor and materials for these structures were donated and to not get the project completed, is not good.  People want to see their time and effort being put to good use, and to be be respectful, I agree!  To that end, I came up with a possible plan to get the structures in the water.  I will report on it at the January meeting.

Now is the time for planning and organizing projects for the up-coming season.  Bring a friend and your ideas to the meeting.  Let's see what we can come up with to move our Club forward in this new year.
See you at the meeting....